瑞典-THULE嬰兒車系列Multifunctional Child Carriers |
2017 |
Thule RideAlong 自行車兒童座椅 -後置
]五種不同的斜靠選擇 (最多可達 20°) |
 | 經典、安全又易用的自行車兒童斜靠座椅讓日常通勤和家庭自行車旅遊更加順暢。 |
 | 功能
通用快拆架可在幾秒鐘內將座椅從自行車裝上/卸下,可安裝於大部分自行車車框 (直徑 27.2-40 公釐的圓形車框與 40 x 55
DualBeam 懸吊系統能吸收路面震動,因此能確保孩童得到平穩、舒適的乘坐感
專為 9 個月大到 6 歲、48.5 磅/22 公斤以內的孩童所設計並通過測試。 *1 歲以下孩童使用請諮詢小兒科醫師。
 | 有五種不同的斜靠選擇 (最多可達 20°),可在旅途中舒適地小睡片刻,而且單手就能輕鬆調整
技術規格 承載重量 22 kg
重量 5 kg
安全束帶 三點式 符合安全標準 ✓ |
 | 顏色 Dark Grey /
型號編號 100106 /100107 /100108 |
 | 訂價:NT$6000(訂購款) |
2017 |
Thule RideAlong Mini 自行車兒童座椅
-前置 |
 | 舒適耐用的自行車兒童前座椅能提供安全、簡單與有趣的騎乘體驗,您能夠與孩子共享風景。 |
 | 功能
專為 9 個月大到 3 歲、33 磅/15 公斤以內的孩童所設計並通過測試。*1 歲以下孩童使用請諮詢小兒科醫師。
技術規格 承載重量 15 kg
重量 2.7 kg
安全束帶 五點式 符合安全標準 ✓ 顏色 Light Grey
型號編號 100104 |
 | 訂價:NT$5000(訂購款) |
 | |
2017 |
Thule RIdeAlong Mini Windscreen-擋風鏡前置
訂價:NT2,300 |
0011-100403 Thule
RideAlong Mini Padding Light Grey/Orange-座墊(淺灰/橘) 前置
0011-100404 Thule RideAlong Mini Padding Dark Grey/Purple-座墊(深灰/紫) 前置
訂價:NT1,500 |
0011-100406 Thule
RideAlong Mini Handlebar Padding-手把保護墊前置
訂價:NT1,500 |
2017 |
Thule RideAlong Lite 自行車兒童座椅
-後置 |
 | 堅固可靠的後座安裝式自行車兒童座椅,專為日常通勤與市鎮周邊探險所設計。 |
 | 功能
DualBeam 懸吊系統能吸收路面震動,因此能確保孩童得到平穩、舒適的乘坐感
通用快拆架可在幾秒鐘內將座椅從自行車裝上/卸下,可安裝於大部分自行車車框 (直徑 27.2-40 公釐的圓形車框與 40 x 55
專為 9 個月大到 6 歲、48.5 磅/22 公斤以內的孩童所設計並通過測試。 *1 歲以下孩童使用請諮詢小兒科醫師。
技術規格 承載重量 22 kg
重量 4.3 kg
安全束帶 三點式 符合安全標準 ✓ 顏色 Zinnia
型號編號 100109/110/111 |
 | 訂價:NT$5000(訂購款) |
2017 |
Thule Yepp Maxi 自行車兒童座椅 -後置 |
 | 實用的智慧型自行車兒童座椅極具個性,專為每日騎乘所設計。 |
 | 功能
專為 9 個月大到 6 歲、48.5 磅/22 公斤以內的孩童所設計並通過測試。 *1 歲以下孩童使用請諮詢小兒科醫師。
技術規格 承載重量 22 kg
重量 4.6 kg
安全束帶 五點式 符合安全標準 ✓ 顏色 Blue
型號編號 |
 | 訂價:NT$7000(訂購款) |
2017 |
Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi 自行車兒童座椅
-後置-需貨架 |
 | 功能
內建反光鏡提高可見度,可替換成後車燈 (需另外購買)
專為 9 個月大到 6 歲、48.5 磅/22 公斤以內的孩童所設計並通過測試。 *1 歲以下孩童使用請諮詢小兒科醫師。
技術規格 承載重量 22 kg
重量 2.5 kg
安全束帶 五點式 符合安全標準 ✓ 顏色 Aquamarine
型號編號 12080204 |
 | 訂價:NT$7000(訂購款) |
2017 |
Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini 自行車兒童座椅
-前置 |
 | 這款前座安裝式的自行車兒童座椅不僅輕巧又時尚,巧妙設計適合在市區穿梭。 |
 | 功能
專為 9 個月大到 3 歲、33 磅/15 公斤以內的孩童所設計並通過測試。*1 歲以下孩童使用請諮詢小兒科醫師。
技術規格 承載重量 15 kg
重量 1.7 kg
安全束帶 五點式 符合安全標準 ✓ 顏色 Aquamarine
型號編號 12080104 |
 | 訂價:NT$6300(訂購款) |
 | 0011-12080903 Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini Windscreen-擋風鏡前置訂價:NT$
2,400 |
2017 |
Thule Yepp Nexxt Mini Windscreen-擋風鏡前置訂價:NT$
2,400 |
0011-12020902 Yepp
Sleeping roll Basic Miffy-米菲兔頭枕前訂價:NT$
1600 |
0011-12080901 Thule
Yepp Nexxt Mini Handlebar Padding-手把保護墊訂價:NT$1800 |
2017 |
Thule Yepp Maxi 自行車兒童座椅
-後置-需貨架 |
 | 實用的智慧型自行車兒童座椅極具個性,專為每日騎乘所設計。 |
 | 功能
可以輕鬆快速將自行車兒童座椅架上自行車。適用於具備 EasyFit 安裝架的後置式自行車架或配備 Thule Yepp Maxi EasyFit
Adapter 的車架 (需另外購買)
專為 9 個月大到 6 歲、48.5 磅/22 公斤以內的孩童所設計並通過測試。 *1 歲以下孩童使用請諮詢小兒科醫師。
技術規格 承載重量 22 kg
重量 3.8 kg
安全束帶 五點式 符合安全標準 ✓ 顏色 Silver
型號編號 12020215 |
 | 訂價:NT$6000(訂購款) |
2017 |
Thule Yepp Maxi raincover-雨罩訂價:NT$
1000 |
2017 |
Thule Yepp Mini 自行車兒童座椅 -前置 |
 | 自行車兒童座椅柔軟堅固,孩童可安全又舒適地乘坐在自行車前方。 |
 | 功能
專為 9 個月大到 3 歲、33 磅/15 公斤以內的孩童所設計並通過測試。*1 歲以下孩童使用請諮詢小兒科醫師。
技術規格 承載重量 15 kg
重量 3.5 kg
安全束帶 五點式 符合安全標準 ✓ 顏色 Silver
型號編號 12020105 |
 | 訂價:NT$5500(訂購款) |
 | 0011-12020906 Thule Yepp Mini Windscreen-擋風鏡前置
訂價:NT$2,300 |
2017 |
Thule Yepp Mini Windscreen-擋風鏡訂價:NT$
2,300 |
0011-12020902 Yepp
Sleeping roll Basic Miffy-米菲兔頭枕前訂價:NT$
1600 |
0011-12020961 Thule
Yepp Mini raincover-雨罩前置訂價:NT$
1,000 |
2014 |
Thule Cheetah 1 +cycle
音速寶貝單人座 |
 | Thule Chariot Cheetah is the lightweight performer,
the perfect training partner for the athlete in the family. |
 | Aerodynamic design enhances multi-sport capabilities
• Lightweight carrier makes for easier use
• HeightRight™ adjustable handlebar for parents comfort
• Accessory Cross Bar to mount accessories |
 | Weight capacity 75 lb
 | Weight*19.4 lb |
 | Note * Weights include handlebars |
 | Shoulder width 15.7 in |
 | Sitting height 27 in |
 | Pass through 26.5 in |
 | Series Sport Series |
 | Dimensions (LxWxH) 45 x 26.5 x 42 in |
 | Folded dimensions (LxWxH) 42 x 24 x 10 in
 | 特價:NT$20000(訂購款) |
 | Cheetah 1 Jogging Kit
(慢跑前輪)特價:NT$4100(訂購款) |
 | Strolling Kit(漫步前輪-2小輪)特價:NT$3300(訂購款) |

2014 |
Thule Cheetah 2 +cycle
音速寶貝2人座 |
 | Thule Chariot Cheetah is the lightweight performer,
the perfect training partner for the athlete in the family. |
 | Aerodynamic design enhances multi-sport capabilities
• Lightweight carrier makes for easier use
• HeightRight™ adjustable handlebar for parents comfort
• Accessory Cross Bar to mount accessories |
 | Weight capacity 100 lb
 | Weight*22 lb |
 | Note* Weights include handlebars |
 | Shoulder width 23 in |
 | Sitting height 27 in |
 | Pass through 31.5 in |
 | Series Sport Series |
 | Dimensions (LxWxH) 45 x 31.5 x 42 in |
 | Folded dimensions (LxWxH) 42 x 31.5 x 11 in
 | 特價:NT$25000(訂購款) |
 | Cheetah 2 Jogging Kit
(慢跑前輪)特價:NT$5000(訂購款) |
 | Strolling Kit(漫步前輪-2小輪)特價:NT$3300(訂購款) |

2014 |
Thule Cougar 1 +cycle
運動寶貝單人座 |
 | Thule Chariot Cougar is the all-round adventurer, a
balance of features and value making it a popular choice for many active
 | • Aerodynamic design enhances multi-sport
• Adjustable suspension for a smooth and stable ride
• HeightRight™ adjustable handlebar for parents comfort
• Partial window venting for temperature control
• Accessory Cross Bar to mount accessories
• Click n’ Store™ for on-board storage of conversion kits
 | Weight capacity 75 lb
 | Weight* 24 lb |
 | Note * Weights include handlebars |
 | Shoulder width 15.5 in |
 | Sitting height 26 in |
 | Pass through 26.5 in |
 | Series Sport Series |
 | Dimensions (LxWxH) 46.5 x 26.5 x 42 in |
 | Folded dimensions (LxWxH) 42 x 24 x 10 in
 | 特價:NT$32000(訂購款) |
 | Cougar 1 Jogging Kit
(慢跑前輪)特價:NT$4100(訂購款) |
 | Strolling Kit(漫步前輪-2小輪)特價:NT$3300(訂購款) |

2014 |
#10100936/10100937 Thule Cougar 2
運動寶貝2人座 |
 | Thule Chariot Cheetah is the lightweight performer,
the perfect training partner for the athlete in the family. |
 | Aerodynamic design enhances multi-sport capabilities
• Lightweight carrier makes for easier use
• HeightRight™ adjustable handlebar for parents comfort
• Accessory Cross Bar to mount accessories |
 | Weight capacity100 lb
 | Weight*28 lb |
 | Note* Weights include handlebars |
 | Shoulder width 23 in |
 | Sitting height 26 in |
 | Pass through 31.5 in |
 | Series Sport Series |
 | Dimensions (LxWxH) 46.5 x 31.5 x 42 in |
 | Folded dimensions (LxWxH) 42 x 31.5 x 11 in
 | 特價:NT$37000(訂購款) |
 | Cougar 2 Jogging Kit
(慢跑前輪)特價:NT$5000(訂購款) |

2014 |
#10101322/10101323 Thule CX 1
專業寶貝單人座 |
 | Thule Chariot CX is the elite performer in comfort,
style and technology for the most active family. STROLLING KIT INCLUDED |
 | Aerodynamic design enhances multi-sport capabilities
• Adjustable suspension for a smooth and stable ride
• Ergonomic handlebar is ideal for jogging
• Disc brakes increase braking control on steep terrain
• Full side window venting for temperature control
• Removable padded seating for child comfort
• Accessory Cross Bar to mount accessories
• Click n’ Store™ for on-board storage of conversion kits
 | Weight capacity 75 lb
 | Weight* 29.7 lb |
 | Note * Weights include handlebars |
 | Shoulder width 15.5 in |
 | Sitting height 25.5 in |
 | Pass through 27.5 in |
 | Series Sport Series |
 | Dimensions (LxWxH) 48 x 27.5 x 43.5 in |
 | Folded dimensions (LxWxH) 42 x 24 x 11 in
 | 特價:NT$44000(訂購款) |
 | Chariot CX 1 Jogging Kit
(慢跑前輪)特價:NT$4100(訂購款) |
 | Strolling Kit(漫步前輪-2小輪)特價:NT$3300(訂購款) |
2014 |
#10101324/10101325 Thule CX 2 +cycle
專業寶貝2人座 |
 | Thule Chariot CX is the elite performer in comfort,
style and technology for the most active family. STROLLING KIT INCLUDED |
 | • Aerodynamic design enhances multi-sport
• Adjustable suspension for a smooth and stable ride
• Ergonomic handlebar is ideal for jogging
• Disc brakes increase braking control on steep terrain
• Full side window venting for temperature control
• Removable padded seating for child comfort
• Accessory Cross Bar to mount accessories
• Click n’ Store™ for on-board storage of conversion kits
 | Weight capacity 100 lb
 | Weight*33.7 lb |
 | Note* Weights include handlebars |
 | Shoulder width 23 in |
 | Sitting height 25.5 in |
 | Pass through 33 in |
 | Series Sport Series |
 | Dimensions (LxWxH) 48 x 33 x 43.5 in |
 | Folded dimensions (LxWxH)43 x 31.5 x 12 in
 | 特價:NT$50000(訂購款) |
 | Cougar 2 Jogging Kit
(慢跑前輪)特價:NT$5000(訂購款) |
 | Strolling Kit(漫步前輪-2小輪)特價:NT$3300(訂購款) |

2014 |
#10101509/10101510 Thule Chinook
親愛寶貝單人座-慢跑前輪 |
 | Thule Chariot Chinook is the urban explorer, an
all-terrain child carrier with many stroller features making it the
perfect choice for everyday leisurely adventures. Pivoting/locking front
wheel included |
 | • Pivoting/Locking front wheel to easily transition
from strolling to jogging
• Front wheel folds away or is removable for cycling
• 1st year of life accessories include infant car seat adapter, cargo
bag, head support
• One-handed fold for ease of use
• Reclining seat for child comfort
• Adjustable suspension for a smooth and stable ride
• Full side window venting for temperature control
• Accessory Cross Bar to mount accessories
• Click n’ Store™ for on-board storage of conversion kits
 | Weight capacity 75 lb
 | Weight* 36 lb |
 | Note * Weight does not include front attachment or
first year of life bundle |
 | Shoulder width 19 in |
 | Sitting height 26 in |
 | Pass through 26 in |
 | Series Urban Series |
 | Dimensions (LxWxH) 41 x 26 x 38 in |
 | Folded dimensions (LxWxH) 31 x 26 x 15 in
 | 特價:NT$48000(訂購款) |
 | 單車拖桿特價:NT$2400(訂購款) |

2014 |
#10101609/10101610 Thule Chinook
親愛寶貝2人座-慢跑前輪 |
 | Thule Chariot Chinook is the urban explorer, an
all-terrain child carrier with many stroller features making it the
perfect choice for everyday leisurely adventures. Pivoting/locking front
wheel included |
 | Pivoting/Locking front wheel to easily transition
from strolling to jogging
• Front wheel folds away or is removable for cycling
• 1st year of life accessories include infant car seat adapter, cargo
bag, head support
• One-handed fold for ease of use
• Reclining seat for child comfort
• Adjustable suspension for a smooth and stable ride
• Full side window venting for temperature control
• Accessory Cross Bar to mount accessories
• Click n’ Store™ for on-board storage of conversion kits
 | Weight capacity 100 lb
 | Weight* 39 lb |
 | Note * Weight does not include front attachment or
first year of life bundle |
 | Shoulder width 24.5 in |
 | Sitting height 25.6 in |
 | Pass through 31 in |
 | Series Urban Series |
 | Dimensions (LxWxH) 41 x 32 x 38 in |
 | Folded dimensions (LxWxH) 31 x 30 x 15 in
 | 特價:NT$54000(訂購款) |
 | 單車拖桿特價:NT$2400(訂購款) |
以上商標及圖片均屬該廠所有,款式顏色或有偏差,請以現品為準。 |